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How the 2020 Presidential Election Was Stolen

Wayne Hill


Communist China's Involvement in our 2020 Election

Before, during, and after our Presidential elections took place, the greatest cyber-attack in our nation's history happened. For the first time ever, our President was selected by a foreign nation. This nation was none other than Communist China.

Cyber security experts in the U.S., using tools developed by cyber security experts for the protection of our government computer systems and business computer systems against cyber-attack, got together and recorded all the network traffic from 2,995 different counties in the U.S. beginning on November 1, until sometime after the election. They collected and compiled this information, which was several terabytes in size, and showed each individual attack on a spreadsheet as well as using a graphic video display of a world-wide map. This map showed the point of origin and the individual counties under cyber-attack in real time and the actual packets of information that changed the vote tally in these individual counties

The information I am presenting here and which is being censored by many news outlets and social media sites was documented by Michael Lindell, inventor of the Perfect Pillow. Mr. Lindell has been under personal attack as well as financial attack by companies who are now refusing to market his pillow. Still, Mr. Lindell is trying to get this explosive information out to the public that have had their votes nullified by a foreign power, as well as by local State officials from several States such as Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Georgia.

Mary Fanning, a National Intelligence Researcher and author, stated over sixty-six percent of the foreign attacks on our voter network were done by sources inside Communist China. Mrs. Fanning says cyber-security experts collected data on 2,995 counties in the U.S. in real time showing in detail every county that was targeted by foreign sources. In some cases, the hackers used Credential to gain access to the voter servers, at other times they broke through the Firewall. Credentials would be the administrative user’s name and password that only one county official should have. There were many instances that Credentials were used to access these election servers. How is it that so many foreign hackers had these Credentials from our election computer servers?

Mrs. Fanning showed one spreadsheet page among thousands that showed the forensic evidence of each individual attack. For instance, just one of these data fields showed the following information.

• The date and time of the attack: 11/5/2020 07:43:38
• The IP source:
• Owner source: CN Chinanet Beijing Province Network CH1
• The ID source: 86:05:4c:c6:3d:24 and IP Target:
• The State target: Michigan in this instance
• Target Entry Point owner: Emmet County
• The ID target: 04:cf:6f:5c:8b:aa
• Method of Intrusion: * (the asterisk means, not known in this instance)
• Whether it was a successful attack and, in this instance, it was 'y' for Yes
• Log Trace 'y' for yes
• Votes changed: 3,477 were taken from President Trump in this one instance

How is it possible that Communist China could carry out such an attack without inside help? For instance, how did these foreign hackers get hold of the highly secure Credentials for the election servers in so many U.S. counties? Is it not curious that newly elected President Biden suddenly wants very close ties to Communist China? Even suggesting the creation of a Joint Military Command between us. Perhaps President Biden is unaware of what happened on November 4th, or perhaps he knows full well what happened. Will we ever know the truth concerning this largest ever cyber-attack on the U.S. Presidential elections? Let us pray that we do since all of our future elections whether local, State, or national can now be manipulated by foreign and domestic enemies of the U.S. Constitution.

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