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Big Brother is Watching!

Writer's picture: Wayne HillWayne Hill

Big Brother Spy Site

On March 15, James Bamford, author of "The Puzzle Palace," a book concerning the National Security Agency, wrote an article for

In it, Bamford revealed that the NSA is constructing a 1 million-square-foot facility in Utah that will spy on U.S. citizens and will have the capability of capturing all electronic forms of communication and store them. The electronic forms mentioned, and I do not have a complete list, are the following: cellphones, all purchases made electronically, Google searches, book purchases, personal sites such as Facebook, email, PDAs, video and still photography sent via the Internet and more.

A former NSA senior employee named William Binney, with 40 years of service, blew the whistle on this facility, which is being built in secret and at a huge cost in not only money, however, also to our personal freedom. Binney told Bamford that we are very close to having a "Turnkey Totalitarian State." Binney is saying in effect that all they need do is put the key in and turn it.

Recently, former CIA director David Petraeus, a four-star Army General and one-time commander of our Afghanistan forces, made some revealing comments concerning the near future of domestic spying and surveillance. He stated that in the coming years with the advancements made in electronics technology, all household appliances with built-in microprocessors and RFID tags that can be used to spy on virtually every move made by individuals in their homes. Only recently it was announced that the latest TV sets have a built-in camera which can be turned on remotely to watch you at home in front of your set.

Think of the implications of that. Virtually all privacy will end. Your TV, stereo system, cellphone camera, electronic clock, computer, tablet, wireless printer, PDA, surveillance cameras your install for home security, your vehicle--all of it will be collecting data on your personal habits and lifestyle and sending this data to NSA listening posts that are now under construction across the nation, according to Binney.

Built-in GPS devices are becoming more common and eventually will be placed in all electronic devices, so these electronic devices have the potential of providing the NSA with a general layout of your home. You will be tagged and tracked at the will of the NSA or big "protective" brother.

Why is all of this domestic spying and tracking necessary in a free society? The reality is that it is not necessary in a free and open society, and it would not be tolerated. We are living in a totalitarian state where the media keeps enforcing the illusion of freedom by denying us critical information that would allow us to see what the true reality really is.

Once the NSA has this information on all of us, how easily do you think it will be for them to blackmail select people who hold key positions in government or law enforcement? Very easy I am sure. Perhaps it explains why some politicians flip on the issues suddenly when the week or day before, they held quite a different opinion. For example, the FBI seems to spend more time covering up wrong doing than investigating and arresting those who do harm to our nation. It makes for a very dangerous situation when you have people with this kind of power and influence over others

Imagine that there is someone in your life that always gives you a hard time and has cost you embarrassment and humiliation. Would you not like to be able to pick up your phone and call them and tell them you have some information that could end their career and perhaps their marriage, and then have the power to follow through on your threat and see his or her life crumble away. Would you make that call? It might be very hard to resist.

Of course, the NSA would have more practical purposes for using it. Let us say that some Senator is making threats to cut funding to a project that the NSA top executives want in a bad way. Perhaps they could give that Senator a call and let the Senator know that they are in possession of certain materials that could jeopardize their careers and then tell that Senator exactly what they have on them. Senator X, if you do not vote the way we want you to vote and start promoting said legislation, then we will release this information to the public. It is your decision Senator X, and then the phone call ends with a click. It could happen just that easily and over a wide range of people as well.

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