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Writer's pictureWayne Hill

Has a Long Dead Civilization been Discovered on Mars?

While NASA is looking for microbes for signs of life on Mars, an independent group of scientists known as the Independent Mars Investigation Team (IMIT), founded by Richard Hoagland, a famed Science Reporter from CBS news, is privately investigating huge monoliths on Mars. The IMIT group is detailing what are believed to be two long-dead civilizations along the shores of a long-evaporated ocean named the Malacandrian Ocean. These alleged civilizations are on opposite sides of the Malacandrian Ocean. Both have monolithic faces that look skyward and are pyramidal-shaped. The Cydonia pyramid on Mars was discovered by DiPietro and Molenaar and is five-sided and 1.0 kilometers or (0.621 miles) in height with a base of 3.0 kilometers or (1.86 miles). The Great Pyramid of Giza, known as the Pyramid of Khufu after the architect who designed the pyramid, is 455 feet high or approximately 0.139 kilometers high in comparison. The pyramid in Cydonia is colossal compared to the pyramids found on Earth. The Face on Mars is also huge at 1.0 kilometers or (0.621 miles) in length. Compare that to the faces of our four past presidents on Mount Rushmore in South Dakota. These sculpted faces are 60 feet in height which are far less than The Face on Mars, which is 0.621 miles in length. The largest sculptured monument on Earth is in Fodushan Scenic Area in Zhaocun, China, and this enormous Buddha stands at 682 feet tall. Yet, it still pales in comparison to the dimensions of the Face on Mars. Construction of the Buddha was started in 1997 and completed in 2008.

Dr. John E. Brandenburg, Ph.D., one of the IMIT members, wrote a book titled Death On Mars: The Discovery of a Planetary Nuclear Massacre. Besides the famous Face on Mars, there are reportedly more such faces on Mars, according to Dr. Brandenburg's investigation. He discovered two more faces on the far side of the Malacandrian Sea, not too distant from the original face on Mars at Cydonia. One such face is located in Cydonia Mensa, and the other at Galaxias Chaos. These and other structures are massive in size. The people who built them must have been technologically advanced, knowing the incredible skill required to make such massive structures as found on Mars. What else might remain to be discovered on Mars?

I want to mention why the book's title is called Death On Mars. Mars was once a thriving planet with an ocean, lakes, rivers, and perhaps a civilization. Life on Mars was reportedly destroyed by twin nuclear explosions of enormous size, according to Dr. Brandenburg's findings. That is why Dr. Brandenburg named his book Death On Mars.

Dr. Brandenburg presents evidence in his book to back up his theory. Below is an excerpt from the book Death On Mars presented by Dr. Brandenburg, who at the time was working at Sandia Laboratory in New Mexico. He had just met a man who happened to be a nuclear scientist working in the area of Earth's atmosphere, and he was interested in a book that Dr. Brandenburg was holding and asked to see it. The book Dr. Brandenburg held showed isotope concentrations recently recorded by our space probes to Mars. However, after the nuclear scientist had looked at its contents for a brief moment, he exhibited a deep frown on his forehead. Below is that brief exchange.

"Can I see that?" he asked, and I handed him the book open to the page with a table of atmospheric isotope concentrations, since I was about to copy it. He frowned deeply, and then looked very troubled.

"Somebody nuked them," he said suddenly. "That's what the Xenon 129 super-abundance means." The words pierced my soul like a blade of ice. He handed back the book and stared at me wordlessly, letting the words sink in. Looking deeply troubled and in thought, he then set down his own book and walked away, out of the library and down the darkened hallway. I knew that reaction. It meant he had caught himself talking about something classified in an unclassified area, and was excusing himself. A deep chill ran through me." Brandenburg, J.E., (2015). Death on Mars; The discovery of a planetary nuclear massacre. Kempton: Adventures Unlimited Press, pg. 109).

Xenon 129 is only found in super-abundance where a nuclear device has been detonated and only there in such high concentrations. The nuclear scientist's words shocked yet peaked Dr. Brandenburg's interest so strongly that he decided to conduct his own investigation into the possibility of there being a more advanced civilization on Mars than he had first believed existed.

According to the man Dr. Brandenburg had briefly spoken with, Xenon 129 is only found in super-abundance after a thermonuclear explosion. As mentioned earlier in my paper, the Mars probes have found an abundance of Xenon 129 in the atmosphere of Mars. So, where did that Xenon 129 come from? As far as we know, the thermonuclear explosion is the only plausible explanation for a super-abundance of Xenon 129 in the Mars atmosphere. The element Xenon 129 is scarce throughout the universe and is not found in super-abundance except after thermonuclear explosions.

Another result of a nuclear or atomic explosion is a glass-like substance called Trinitite, a remnant of the first atomic explosion at the Trinity site in the desert of New Mexico. Thus, the name given to the glass formed was called Trinitite. Trinitite is produced from the intense heat from the atomic or nuclear explosion that turns the desert sand into glass. The Mars Rover has discovered Trinitite on the surface of Mars, according to Dr. Brandenburg's finding from the data retrieved.

I want to explain to those who do not know the difference between an atomic device and a nuclear device. The explosive yield of a nuclear device is a thousand times more potent than the atomic bombs dropped on Nagasaki or Hiroshima, Japan, during World War II. A relatively small nuclear device is one megaton in size, and the largest nuclear device I am aware of is 100 megatons in size. That would be 100,000 times more powerful than an atomic bomb. I do not believe anyone has a nuclear device that powerful anymore since the accuracy of missiles, artillery rounds, and aircraft delivering such devices is so much better than during the Cold War. The main reason the former Soviet Union built such massive nuclear bombs was to compensate for poor accuracy in delivering such devices to their intended target.

Returning to the subject of Trinitite glass, I ran across an interesting article in The Epoch Times written by Leonardo Vintini. Here is one quote from his article which I found insightful. "Many scientists have sought to explain the dispersion of large glass rocks in the deserts of Libya, the Sahara, Mojave, and many other places in the world, as products of gigantic meteorite impacts. However, due to the absence of accompanying craters in the desert, the theory doesn’t hold up. Neither satellite imagery nor sonar has been able to find any holes." Vintini, L., (2014). Desert Glass Formed by Ancient Atomic Bombs? The Epoch Times.

Might the Trinitite glass on Mars also have been produced by a nuclear explosion? So far, no one has found evidence contrary to how the required heat needed to create Trinitite glass on Mars may have occurred. It might very well have come from the aftermath of a nuclear explosion. This would require a highly advanced technological civilization to achieve.

This raises an interesting question. Do nuclear explosions lead to desertification of the areas devastated by such explosions? Since all of the areas where Trinitite glass is found are deserts today, perhaps that would also explain why Mars looks like an ancient desert? It would seem reasonable since the nuclear fallout would last for many, many centuries, and nothing would grow there for many hundreds of years.

"Death on Mars" is a fascinating book to read, and I have since concluded that a great civilization must have existed on Mars before human life existed on Earth. Perhaps you remember in ancient manuscripts where Mars is mentioned as the planet of War! It seems that historically, Mars has always been associated with war. Maybe now we know why.

Is it theoretically possible that perhaps Earth and Mars were at war long ago in our distant past? It could be a possible explanation of why there is substantial evidence that Earth has experienced a nuclear or atomic war in the very distant past. Archeologists have found skeletal remains of humans that are highly radioactive even today. How is that possible unless a nuclear bomb destroyed their civilization and left Trinitite as evidence of these catastrophic weapons. It might also explain why humankind seems to have become so advanced in such a short period. Archeologists believe that we advanced from hunter/gatherers to our present high technology in six thousand years. Is that possible for a primitive human, relatively speaking, to advance so quickly to a space-faring race with weapons available that could wipe out all life on Earth twice over in six thousand years? What we learn becomes ingrained in our minds and sticks with us from one lifetime to another. That is why we can advance so quickly from a relatively speaking primitive human to an advanced human in such a short period. Our world has been destroyed by cataclysms in our distant past many times, and still, humans have managed to survive and have built immense stone structures that cannot be duplicated even today. That evidence of very early humans is there for all to see.

I would like to conclude that life on Earth may be far older than we have been led to believe. I do hope you have enjoyed reading what I have written in this article.

Good day, my friends.

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Inspired by The Holy Spirit.

Typed by Wayne Hill.

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