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Water and Spirit

Writer: Wayne HillWayne Hill

Water plays a critical role in weathering rock and rock outcroppings on Earth. So much so that the Earth would never change if there were no water. Volcanic eruptions would occur, and storms might appear; however, they would be storms principally of lighting and wind. Still, that would be all the weather that would take place.

Water is essential to Earth and all aspects of its development. Without water, there would be no streams to carve out canyons or valleys. The land would stay pretty much as it first appeared, which would be rocks collected from space and hot magma from deep underground. Water is what makes clay by dissolving the rocks of every kind of mineral, except two, olivine and granite. Every other type of rock on Earth reacts with carbonic acid, which is produced from rainwater and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and is water-soluble. The carbonic acid rains down on the landscape below and begins chemically reacting with rocks and other minerals to produce clay. Clay is the primary component of soil; without clay, we would not be able to grow food crops, fruit trees, grasses, or every kind of plant in the world, as we have today. However, there is another essential ingredient, humus, which is decayed plant matter. It takes approximately 500 years to make one inch of new topsoil, which depends on the growth of plant life in that area. In some parts of the world, humus is produced faster, such as in rainforests, where the decay of plant life is faster. Eventually, water will break down rocks, boulders, and even mountains given enough time. If that action did not occur then, the landscape would not have formed the way we see it today. It would be rocky, rough terrain devoid of water and virtually lifeless. Thus, water is essential to all life and the soils upon which life depends. Have you ever wondered where our soil comes from? Well, now you know. What you have seen written here is an example of how one element, water, changed the face of our planet. However, another force at work in our lives is far more powerful than water. That force is none other than Spirit.

Spirit is not a material thing like water. It is something far different from anything that we have ever encountered in our life. As a matter of fact, we are Spirit. Every single element in our body is matter; however, Spirit is what animates matter and gives it life. Matter would have nothing to do except exist in an endless cycle of changing from one mineral to the next and starting all over again as long as water was present.

Now, let us look at Spirit. When you think of Spirit, what first comes to mind? You should first think of our Lord God’s Spirit. His Spirit is the most powerful Spirit of all, infusing the whole of the Universe. Our Lord God is in all things, and all things are in Him as the Holy Scriptures tell us. As the Holy Scriptures reads, "For in him we live and move and have our being." This verse from the Holy Scriptures tells us that we all live within our Lord God. That is why our Lord God is said to be within us since we are within our Lord God. Our Spirit/mind is what separates us from the animals. Mammals also have a Spirit; however, they are not nearly as powerful or insightful as the Spirit that our Lord God gave to each of us when He first created us. Spirit has mysterious powers we cannot fathom other than to say that Spirit can transform us from the inside like water transforms rock into clay. Spirit is a life-giving force, meaning no life form can exist without it. No life can exist apart from our Lord God; therefore, if life exists, it exists within our Lord God.

If you were to take all of the Spirit in all life forms on Earth and combine them, they would not even come close to the amount of Spirit that our Lord God gave to each of us when we were first created by Him. Think about that! That is an incredible amount of His Spirit infused into each of us. How can we ever die if we have so much of His Spirit within us? The answer is, we cannot! We live on and on and never surrender to anyone, including Satan. Satan can temporarily subdue us; however, he can never complete the job. We always bounce back due to the amount of Spirit we have. Spirit is the same as energy except with intelligence. It is mind in effect. That is what Spirit is, and that is what our Lord God is. A vast endless mind that can expand in every direction as long as He wills it. Our Lord God created us to live with Him in His creation for all eternity!

What does that mean for our spiritual development since we already have a vast amount of Spirit gifted to us by our Lord God? Why do we need to develop spiritually? Is it because there were evil disturbances that infiltrated our lives and caused our Spirit to degrade in quality? Yes, this evil influence was none other than Satan. He has caused us a great deal of harm, spiritually speaking. So much so that we can never return to heaven until we accept our Lord Christ Jesus as our Lord and Savior. Even then, it is necessary for us to reach a certain spiritual development before we can hope to accept our Lord Christ Jesus as our Savior. It is not something that everyone can do at the same time.

Our Lord God watches His children, and when He sees they are nearing the spiritual development necessary to accept our Lord Christ Jesus as their Savior, they then become our Lord God’s chosen people, which is spoken of in the Holy Scriptures. For example, it reads in Colossians 3:12, "Since God chose you to be the holy people he loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience." This can be found mainly in the first four Gospels. After that, our Lord God will do all He can to help us hear the Good News; however, it is still up to us to accept the Good News and accept our Lord Christ Jesus as our Lord and Savior. When that day arrives, the Spirit within us has changed us from the inside out. We have become a new person simply because the Spirit within each one of us has changed us in much the way water transforms the rocks and boulders of Earth into clay. We are slowly wearing away our worldly desires.

Water makes our planet a living thing due to the miracle that water works on rocks and how it produces Earth's soil. And rain waters all of the plants that grow in the soil that water made possible. Our Spirit, which is a gift of our Lord God, will do something similar to our internal Soul by changing our makeup into something that can do much greater things once the Spirit within has slowly made the necessary changes over eons of time. Much as water gradually changed the face of Earth from a barren landscape to one filled and teeming with all forms of life. Water is the majority of what our bodies are made up of with a small amount of clay. However, clay envelopes our Spirit, and that clay vessel keeps our Spirit depressed and our spiritual senses blocked. Once we are free of the hindrance of the clay vessel which is our body and which hinders our Spirit, we soar in the fullness of life!

That is why this essay makes a comparison between water and Spirit. To show that something as simple as water has changed the face of Earth from a lifeless world into a living world. Our Spirit does the same for our Soul. It changes our Soul to make us worthy of being part of our Lord God’s Kingdom in heaven once again, where the joys of life are far more spectacular!

Our Lord Christ Jesus inspired this essay.

Typed by Wayne Hill


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