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What Is Love?

Writer: Wayne HillWayne Hill

Updated: Jan 18

The Apostle Paul defines love in 1st Corinthians 13:1-13 as follows:


"Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance."


Have you ever known anyone like that? Our Father in heaven is just this way. Our Lord God loves each and every one of us more than we can possibly love our own children. He is forever with us and will never forsake us and will always be there when we need Him most. Our Father in Heaven never gives up on us and waits patiently for us to return to Him after we have learned what true love is. Love is always hopeful and our Father in Heaven knows one day every single person now living on earth will see the evil of their ways and ask for our Father in heaven to take them back and forgive them for all of their earthly sins. And, our heavenly Father will forgive us, if our repentance is truly sincere.


Have you ever heard of a married couple where one is dominate and demanding and their spouse is always compliant and loving and somehow manages to always be nice and welcoming to all? No matter how rude, or how selfish their spouse is the loving spouse who was abused, used, ridiculed, or treated cruelly, would never stop loving or caring for their spouse. When our Father in heaven sees this kind of situation, He always gives the abused spouse more spiritual development. Perhaps you remember the TV series "All in the Family" with Archie and Edith Bunker. Edith was that kind of loving and devoted person even though Archie, her husband, was always treating her so spitefully. This is also the kind of person our Lord God in heaven is. Our Father never stops loving us no matter how abusive we are to Him even though we may get angry with Him for something He did not do. Our heavenly Father is always ready to forgive us no matter how abusive we may be towards Him and He just keeps on loving us.


Our Father in heaven is often ignored by His children and often sneered at by his children because we become cynical in our earthly lives with all the problems, social issues and many other problems that plague our earthly lives. Our heavenly Father receives all the blame for all the problems in our lives since we are led to believe that He is in charge of our lives and rules and governs the entire world each day, and is therefore responsible for all the horrors and wars raging around the world and all the terrible suffering that goes on as well. Still, even though He is falsely accused for causing all of the world’s ills and tribulations He will not stop loving us. He is so loving and so concerned for our welfare and does not want to see us ill, or badly injured, or worried sick about the welfare of our own children. We can turn our backs on our heavenly Father and yet, He will not forsake us or turn His back on us, although if we blaspheme The Holy Spirit, this is one sin that is unforgivable. Please, do not blaspheme The Holy Spirit.


Our Lord Christ Jesus is also such a loving person. He loves us so very much that he willingly allowed himself to be nailed to the cross after suffering a horrific beating with a scoured whip and a crown of thorns placed on his head and forced down until the thorns penetrated all the way to his skull. He suffered much abuse by the crowds that gathered along his path to Golgotha. And they hurled abusive language, and spit on him, and threw stones at him and denied him water though he pleaded for a drink. All the while carrying the cross he would be nailed to when he finally reached the Hill of Golgotha. Never once did he utter a word of contempt or vengeance even though he could have called upon his Father in heaven to send forth angels to protect him and take him to a safe place. Even when he was hanging on the cross after having nails driven into his hands and feet, he never uttered a work out of anger, instead he continued to speak about the Good News to two criminals next to him. He even told one on the men before this very day was over, he and this man would be in paradise together. Notice our Lord Christ Jesus did not say they would be in heaven. He said they would be in paradise. Paradise is also known as Hades and is a spiritual resting place for those souls who do not make it to heaven nor do they get cast into hell. In time, after this man had rested from his previous life he would again be born on earth and live yet another life until such time as he would finally accept our Lord Christ Jesus as his Lord and Savior. Our Lord Christ Jesus has been to this earth many times to preach the Good News and bring more lost souls back to our Father in heaven each time. Yes, we have all lived many lives here on earth as have our children. Still, those of us still on earth have not believed in our Lord Christ Jesus and earned our reward in heaven. However, it is not too late for those of us who have not accepted our Lord Christ Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Why not do so today? Our Lord Christ Jesus loves you so very much and he misses speaking to you so.


Adios for now my friends.





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