Trinity Insights Publications
In The Beginning, is a fascinating book due to the fact that it covers some interesting topics of human experience. From our beginning on planet Earth, up until the day we depart this Earth. For instance, did you know that humanity has been on Earth for more than 300 million years? I present archeological evidence to back up my assertion. Also, did you know that our Lord God did not just place Adam and Eve in this world alone? Our Lord God created more than 20 couples and placed them in different places around the world and gave each couple certain physical attributes that would help them best survive in whatever climate they found themselves in. Also, more than one couple was placed in each area of the world so they would have company and would not be forced to have incestual relations. Something that we are led to believe about Adam and Eve. Although, later in Genesis, we do find that other people existed in the Middle East. I cover that in my book as well. You will learn about some exciting things and some controversial truths, you might say. For example, how old do you believe the Sphinx really is? Also, I devote a full chapter to the existence of giants found in much of the world in not-so-ancient times. We do hope you enjoy reading this very fascinating and informative book. In The Beginning, will leave you spellbound with visions of things past which you may have never heard of. Please consider purchasing this one-of-a-kind book. We hope you have a nice remaining day! By author Wayne Hill, who was greatly assisted by The Holy Spirit in writing this book.
Satan's World is a book concerning demonic possession and one man's terrorizing encounter with Satan and his demons. Fortunately, for the author of this book, he managed to escape being possessed; however, not before he went through a terrorizing and harrowing experience that would forever change his life. We could say we hope you enjoy reading his book; however, it is not one you will necessarily enjoy, although you will be fascinated with the storyline. This book could explain why mass killings are occurring so frequently in the days we now live in. The book is available in e-book format or paperback. We hope you have a nice remaining day. From the author Quanah Means who was greatly assisted by our Lord Christ Jesus in the writing of this book. Quanah Means is my pen name.
The Parables of Jesus Revealed concern the parables that our Lord Christ Jesus taught His disciples when He was teaching them to become Apostles. He taught them during the day as well as during the night, all that He was allowed to teach them. In, The Parables of Jesus Revealed, you will learn all 27 parables found in the New Testament of the New Living Translation Holy Scriptures. It is an exciting journey for those who have never had the opportunity to read the interpreted 27 parables of our Lord Christ Jesus before. We do hope you will enjoy this very unique work. We hope you all have a very nice remaining day. From the author Wayne Hill, who was greatly assisted by our Lord Christ Jesus in the writing of this book.