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Radio and Video Interviews concerning Satan's World

January 4th, 2020

00:00 / 31:02

Radio Interview with Al Cole of CBS Radio

People Of Distinction, one of the most extensive and wide-ranging radio shows in the United States, offers high market visibility to authors, thanks to Arianna Huffington’s Thrive Global Network, which draws millions of audiences. The radio program airs on Apple’s iTunes Radio Network (Professional News/Talk) featuring CBS Radio, Fox News, NPR, and C-Span. My interview with Al Cole took place on January 4th, 2020 at 7 pm Central time. For those of you who may have missed my live interview, I present it to you now for your enjoyment. Have a nice day everyone!

May 10, 2018

This interview was conducted live on the Ric Bratton radio program, "This Week in America" on May 10, 2018.  I enjoyed the interviewer very much and especially his professional demeanor and the genuine interest that Mr. Bratton showed of my book called "Satan's World." Many interviewers will not even read an author's book, instead they will write down a few questions and let the author speak about their book. Mr. Bratton actually read "Satan's World" and asked very important questions, which I appreciate very much. I hope you will enjoy the interview!

Movie Trailer for Satan's World

"Satan's World" is about an experience I had that nearly ended my life on several occasions. However, I managed to survive and tell my story of the harrowing and terrifying experience of confronting and battling demonic forces that exist unseen in our materialistic world. We often think we have life all figured out, only to find that we do not. You are about to watch a short video clip of a movie trailer that was produced for me to promote my book. When the actor portraying me hears the demonic voice telling him that "Before this night is over you are going to blow your 'bleeping' brains out!," and he replies in a casual voice, "I don't think so." My response was quite different. I was actually very terrified and did not say it in as nonchalant a way as the actor did, instead, in a humble and meek way. Then I immediately dropped to my knees and began praying with all my heart and Soul. So, watch the movie trailer with some skepticism, since the producer took a little artistic liberty with the actual narrative. All-in-all, I believe the director did an excellent work!

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In this interview, the director was named Tony Whitehead and his cameraman was Pascual Rodriguez. I liked both men immensely, and they helped me to be at ease with my interview. We spoke about various happenings during my encounter with Satan and his demons, and how I felt at different times and my thoughts concerning my harrowing experience. I hope you enjoy this interview, and learn something you may not have known was even possible in our so-called modern and sophisticated world!

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